Deep Dive: California Governor Signs 10 Marijuana Bills

Image: Marijuana Moment Website

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed 10 marijuana-related bills on Sunday.



1: A Wide Range Of Issues

The bills covered a wide range of issues, including measures to set the state up to allow interstate cannabis commerce, provide employment protections for marijuana consumers, facilitate record sealing of prior convictions and prevent localities from blocking medical cannabis deliveries.

2: A Ban on Delivery Bans

Another notable piece of enacted legislation came from Sen. Scott Wiener (D). The bill prohibits localities from banning medical cannabis deliveries in their areas—a move that advocates say will both improve patient access and help fill voids throughout the state where no cannabis license types have been authorized. 

3: Outlawing Cannabis Discrimination

The governor also signed off on a bill from Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D) that will “make it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a person in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalize a person” solely because of off-duty marijuana use. It will eliminate employment-based THC testing, with exceptions for certain positions, such as federal employees or those working in construction.

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California Governor Signs 10 Marijuana Bills (Marijuana Moment)


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