Deep Dive: 3 Predictions for Cannabis Customers in 2022

As we near the end of the year, we would like to dedicate this space to predictions for 2022 in the cannabis industry.

Each week will have a different theme - cannabis products, cannabis customers, legalization, marketing, and cannabis in Washington state.

This week, we will look at some predictions about cannabis customers in 2022. Here are a few of our predictions about what lies ahead from a product standpoint in 2022.

Customer Prediction 1: The Customer Base Continues to Expand

Industry expansion is happening in a variety of ways that impact the average customer. First and foremost, legalization efforts are increasing cannabis availability in new geographical regions while cannabis normalization is increasing in already-legalized markets.

Additionally, increased postive media coverage, investment opportunities, and pop culture cannabis references are working in tandem to increase the mind-share of cannabis to customers and potential customers.

All of this means that the cannabis customer base will continue to rapidly expand. With this expansion will come innovative ways to consume, evolving product trends, and an increased need for product education and differentiation

Product Prediction 2: Customer Segmentation Emerges

Last week, we predicted that data and research would make a more pronounced impact on product development.

With those increased data and research capabilities, companies will begin to learn more about the different customer types in the market, and customer segmentation will begin to emerge.

A wide swath of customer types shop for cannabis, so these customer segmentations will be crucial in creating relevant products and building meaningful brand followings.

A few potential customer segments could include the Hypebeast, the Soccer Mom, the Relief Seeker, the Social Consumer, the Cannaseur, and, of course, the Heavy Stoner.

Each of these customer segments will be seeking different attributes in their cannabis products, so a one-size-fits-all marketing approach will no longer be good enough.

The Hypebeast may want the newest strains that their Rap Caviar playlist amplifies, while the Social Consumer may want approachability and portability.

The Cannaseur may be seeking unique flavor profiles, while the Relief Seeker may be seeking heavy doses of cannbinoids.

These hypothetical segments are just the tip of the iceberg in actual diverse customer preferences, and represent the unrealized value that is yet to come with more sophisticated, data-driven segmentation.

Product Prediction 3: Customers Make Purchasing Decisions Before They Enter a Store.

In the first days of recrational legalization, all purchases and purchase decisions were made in dispensaries or retailers. This was a challenge for customers dealing with an immensely complex product with dizzying arrays of choices.

Those days are rapidly fading into history, as more and more customers are making their cannabis purchasing decisions online, ordering for pickup or delivery.

This reflects the larger trend of customers making on-demand purchases of everything from gifts to groceries to fast food, and is particularly important for customers looking to make an informed purchasing decisions.

Because of this, cannabis producers and retailers alike will need to have strong digital presences and storefronts that clearly communicate brand identity and product attributes.

Stock images of bud and vague jargon as product descriptions just won't cut it for customers who are used to the wealth of information that platforms like Amazon and Uber Eats provide for their purchasing decisions.

The cannabis companies who can provide the most streamlined & informative digital experience will create an extra layer of value for customers.

What product trends did we miss? Drop us a line at

Next Week: 3 Predictions for Cananbis Legalization in 2022


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