Leafwerx Roots: Purpose Grown

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Purpose Grown. 

It’s been a core value of Leafwerx since the beginning, and one that still defines how we do our work.

At its core, purpose grown is about the cannabis we grow for our oil and concentrate products. From the time genetics are curated through their growth cycle to their harvest to their processing to their extraction to their packaging, our cannabis has purpose. That purpose is to give you the best, most authentic experience, time after time. 

Purpose grown also describes the way we work. Purpose is applied to solar declination analysis; to temperature controlled storage; to food grade CO2; to custom configured hydrocarbon extractors; to rigorously tested hardware; to informative packaging; and every step in between. 

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Purpose Grown applies to our cultivation and work practices, but it also applies to our team. Growth is a shared mindset of our people, who consistently seek out better ways to do their work while actively collaborating with their teammates. The result is a constantly growing team, adding new capabilities, insights, and innovations each day. 

What does Purpose Grown mean to you?


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